is a subject that is something that can be simple or hard....on so many complex level this can deteriorate your body,your mind and soul. There is only two option carrying on pursuing or actually letting go....
This can relate to relationship, friends and loved one that past away...
either way how do you carry on?
Relationship comes across too me as something that can be simple, it makes me feel so oblivious to many things. You can become so stubborn thinking that this person is the person that you will never let go especially when you love that person. At the end you may come to many conclusion maybe that love was not meant to be, maybe that you just keep reminiscing, or maybe that this person actually meant the world to you that you couldn't let go and is placed in a high place in your heart.....
As for a loved one that passed away, this can be the most difficult thing as you may contain full of guilt... asking question why can't you spend more time for that person. maybe why is it unfair that they give this type of fate to that person, either way memories contain all the happiness....
I guess though at the end of the day their isn't a perfect person without flaws, there is always a chance in trying to let go... but if it really hurts you can only hold some percentage and try and move on. as you will know memories are always forever.....
never erased. as we don't have a delete button.
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